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Be part of Orris Root's next issue

Prose Submission GUidelines

We don't believe in giving you a specific font size or telling you how to space your lines, but we do have a few guidelines:

  • Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but please notify us if your submission is accepted elsewhere

  • We only accept previously unpublished pieces

  • If you are submitting a hybrid piece, let us know in your cover letter.

  • Submit up to 5,000 words in each submission


 We also have some tips:

  • Double check your piece has something to do with science.

  • If you're looking for inspiration, all the writing on the website is free to read.

  • We love science fiction.


Email your submission to


Please include a brief cover letter in your email, and allow 3 months for a response before submitting again.

Submissions CLOSE MARCH 30

We want:​

  • Originality

  • Science themes

  • Unpublished pieces


Think your piece isn't classic sci-fi? We don't mind. We encourage hybrid forms, prose poetry, flash fiction, creative nonfiction, and probably whatever new form you've come up with and decided to categorize as prose. 

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